According to, co-founder of Databricks and Anyscale, and also a senior professor of computer science at Berkeley, 2023 will be the year of “distributed AI frameworks.” We also discuss the latest in “,” a term Stoica and his Berkeley team introduced in 2021, in a paper that proposed a new form of cloud computing based around interoperability and distributed computing. According to Stoica, Ray is a “distributed computing ecosystem as a service,” which for the past couple of years has been focused on “supporting machine learning workloads.”

“It’s a very generic, easy-to-use, Python-native, distributed compute platform,” said Stoica, adding that it serves as a “substrate to do training, data ingestion, reprocessing — all of these things.”

As for his sky computing concept, that’s about distributing the load — and cost — of cloud computing, a layer below Ray.

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