There are numerous IoT platforms available in the market that can help you handle the challenges of building IoT applications.
But before getting into the technicalities of building IoT applications on AWS IoT, we must understand the platform in detail.
It is open-source and includes software libraries that support numerous applications by providing all essential tools to conveniently connect your devices with AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Greengrass.
Once the thing was registered with AWS IoT and mobile application was developed, the process of capturing data from the sensors and transmitting it to the mobile application started, so that the client can view and understand the data.
Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-based business analytics service which enables you to quickly and easily: In case you don’t have an existing IoT device, you can create simulated device data on your local device with the help of a script and publish it on the AWS IoT platform.If you have an IoT device, skip to step 2.