AWS CodeStar makes building a full CI/CD workflow easier and helps us to create a CI/CD tool chain using AWS developer tools — CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodePipeline In this blog we will demonstrate how to create CI/CD workflow using AWS CodeStar We recommend you to know about DevOps and CI/CD before getting started with this blog.
As you can see in the following screenshot, all stages completed successfully (Source, Build and Deploy), that means application is ready and we can view application.
Click on the project which we have created now and it will show the information about application health, running version, platform information (here it is Tomcat server) and information about all recent events as shown in the following screenshot: As we experienced that it’s quite easy to create an application using CD/CD workflow in the CodeStar.
As we have chosen Java Spring web application as template, we are able to see one default page as output of our application as shown in the following screenshot.