If you want to integrate https://www.openshift.com/try?utm_content=inline-mention with an identity provider, such as https://www.keycloak.org/?utm_source=thenewstack&utm_medium=website&utm_content=inline-mention&utm_campaign=platform you must first understand how user authentication and token management work. During the OAuth process, the user’s credentials are verified by the identity provider, and the user’s information is mapped to an identity in https://thenewstack.io/kubernetes/whats-the-difference-between-kubernetes-and-openshift/

The API server validates the access token, but user authentication happens during the early OAuth process, so the token will remain active regardless of any changes made to the user’s information or credentials.

To configure authentication for your OpenShift applications, you can follow these steps: Create an OpenID Connect identity provider within your Keycloak realm by navigating to the “Identity Providers” tab and clicking on “Add provider.”

Create an OpenID Connect Identity Provider: $ oc create configmap keycloak-oidc --from-file= .json $ oc process -f .yaml --param-file= .properties | oc apply -f -

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