Not anymore using this in-depth Flux tutorial, in which we will explain how to pivot, time shift, and join time series in InfluxDB. In this InfluxDB tutorial, we will show you how to create an accurate overview of multiple time series with industrial data captured in consecutive production steps.
First, we start with reading in the sensor data of both the width sensor and the diameter sensor for entry A. By reading in sensor data of both sensors in the same ‘filter’ (image: code snippet), we reduce this data to one time series for entry A.
The same procedure for reading in the sensor data of entry A applies for entry B and entry C. While sensor data of the former is shifted by 2 minutes to get its time range between 14.58 and 15.08 aligned with the time range of the overview, the sensor data of the latter is already in sync for the overview.
The sensor data of all three entries in the single time series table is grouped by the _time column to group the sensor data of different entries together in timetables.