With so many job boards out there, it can be terribly confusing to know where to start when you’re looking for a programming job - especially if you’re looking for your first programming job. I’ve found that where you search for jobs is just as important as other key preparation steps you should take in your job search, like building a https://blog.boot.dev/computer-science/computer-science-resumes/ and https://blog.boot.dev/jobs/build-github-profile/.
Top 10 Traditional Job Boards LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs LinkedIn is probably the best place to start your search.
Ladders https://www.theladders.com/jobs/search-jobs Ladders is a good place to search if you’re interested (and think you’re ready) to earn over 100k/year in salary.
Too many developers start their job search because they feel like they’re “ready”, and they stop studying and building.