Category: Software, Data, Kubernetes

Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) for Kubernetes 1 is now generally available, building on the open source SCDF version 6 released in August. The Kubernetes-based commercial offering leverages Tanzu Observability by Wavefront for dashboarding and observability, and enables developers to take their data pipelines to the next level with the introduction of Multi I/O for event-streaming applications.

So we are delighted to make Spring developers’ dreams come true with a new dashboard and observability for Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes.

Event-streaming data-processing in SCDF typically takes the form of linear data pipelines with data coming from a single upstream topic, and the processed data published to a single downstream topic.

For background: To start using the Spring Boot and SCDF dashboards, sign up for the Tanzu Observability free trial.

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