The decades-long drive to make quantum computing a reality, once the domain of such, Microsoft, Google and even Honeywell, in recent years has seen a rising number of smaller startups begin to make their appearance on the scene, with the goal of gaining traction in the nascent but fast-moving industry. unveiled its latest quantum processor — a 127-qubit (quantum bit) chip dubbed “Eagle” — and outlined plans for the second generation of its quantum compute system that will be able to work Big Blue’s future processors that will have 433 and 1,121 qubits.
The processor is available as an exploratory device on the IBM Cloud to select members of the IBM Quantum Network.
The company in 2019 unveiled Quantum System One, which has become the foundation of its cloud-based quantum computing services in the United States and other countries. In addition, IBM this week announced a partnership with Yonsei University in South Korea, which will deploy an IBM quantum system.