We previously explored the https://www.ondat.io/blog/key-challenges-of-cloud-dbaas and https://www.ondat.io/blog/self-managed-dbass-with-ondat-rancher) on Kubernetes using SUSE Rancher and https://www.ondat.io/?utm_content=inline-mention Now, we’re going to take the theory and make it practical. We’ll be deploying this on a https://www.suse.com/products/rancher-kubernetes-engine/ cluster on https://www.digitalocean.com/, but the instructions should work fine for almost every Kubernetes distribution.

Step Provision a SUSE Rancher Server and RKE Cluster on DigitalOcean

Once you’ve finished admiring the Rancher UI, you can check that your RKE cluster is also working correctly using kubectl.

kubectl label node rke-ondat-demo-worker-node-1 custom-region=1 kubectl label node rke-ondat-demo-worker-node-2 custom-region=2 kubectl label node rke-ondat-demo-worker-node-3 custom-region=3 kubectl label node rke-ondat-demo-worker-node-4 custom-region=1 kubectl label node rke-ondat-demo-worker-node-5 custom-region=2

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