Category: automation

env0 already gives your team the power to do this through our self service capabilities — allowing any permissioned member of the team to quickly deploy or spin down an environment based on your pre-approved IaC templates, but sometimes you want to be able to regularly bring your environments up or down, and in large quantities. Since we’re always looking for new ways to enable your team and make them more agile (while maintaining the visibility, predictability, and governance that you need of course), we’re excited to introduce our latest feature: Environment Scheduling!Scheduling with env0 allows you to easily and consistently deploy, or destroy, your cloud environments on your pre-determined schedule, and with no manual intervention.

With the launch of Environment Scheduling, you can now schedule both “Deploys” and “Destroys” of a running environment in env0.

With env0, you already get a single view of all your running (and past) environments, and now you can easily see their scheduled actions on them as well.

Of course you also need to know exactly what has happened with your environments, that’s why env0 also provides you a complete audit log actions on your environment, including both manual and scheduled ones, by your team.

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