When Netlify https://thenewstack.io/netlify-acquires-gatsby-its-struggling-jamstack-competitor/, Gatsby, in February, I noted that its use of the term “Jamstack” (which it coined in 2016) wasn’t so prominent in its marketing anymore. Fast-forward six more months, and Netlify has just closed The Jamstack Community Discord, https://remotesynthesis.com/blog/goodbye-jamstack/ Jamstack aficionado Brian Rinaldi (who runs an email newsletter called — for now — https://jamstack.email/).

he wrote back, adding that “the Jamstack architecture has won out to a degree where there’s little distinguishing ‘Modern Web Architecture’ from Jamstack architecture.”

“Jamstack, in terms of the word or definition, might be “dead”, but the principle lives on,” he told me.

Whether or not the term “Jamstack” is still relevant, Biilmann admits that the company is re-focusing its marketing efforts.

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