VMware’s Carvel project has officially joined a long list of https://thenewstack.io/future-cloud-native-computing-foundation/ sandbox projects among several dozen others. One of the more prominent cases for https://carvel.dev/ is how it is used for development and deployment of https://thenewstack.io/vmwares-tanzu-extends-across-all-security-layers-on-kubernetes/ and other VMware platforms and tools.

Carvel application packages can be deployed to VMware’s “red hot” Kubeapps application platform as well as to the Tanzu Framework, where Carvel offers a collection of application-centric tools for Kubernetes cluster management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/torstenvolk, an analyst forhttps://www.enterprisemanagement.com/, told The New Stack.

https://t.co/M7jPQGzdTZ is now a https://twitter.com/CloudNativeFdn?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw project, https://twitter.com/VMwareTanzu?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw's Shatarupa Nandis said, to manage deployments on https://twitter.com/kubernetes?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw "securely, reliably and with automation."

In that respect, Carvel offers a list of specific tools as opposed to an all-encompassing platform.

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