The Istio Steering Committee’s decision to service mesh project as an incubating project with the begs the question: why has it taken so long? The move is intended to help “deepen” Istio’s integration with Kubernetes through the Gateway API and gRPC with proxyless mesh, “not to mention Envoy, which has grown up beside Istio,” according to an Istio statement released on by Istio steering committee member, who leads the Cloud Native advocacy team at Google Cloud.
Without this vendor-neutral approach to project governance, there will be friction within the community of Kubernetes-related projects.
While Istio is retaining the OUC license, the act of moving the associated trademarks to The Linux Foundation, and especially, the decision to apply to become a CNCF project, seems to have appeased IBM — at least somewhat.
Now I think that Istio joining the CNCF will make Istio exactly like Kubernetes, as the de facto service mesh.”