JavaScript continues to evolve, and the next annual update to ECMAScript, which formally standardizes the JavaScript language, will be approved in July 2022. That will include all the new feature proposals that have reached stage four by March 2022 — proposals that have been signed off by the ECMAScript editors, passed the test suite and shipped in at least two implementations.
But calling async code is very common in browsers, he added, because if you have to wait for a piece of code to finish running before anything else can run, blocking code can cause performance issues.
Temporal is set to replace libraries like Moment.js, which have done a good job filling a gap in JavaScript that’s so common that it makes more sense to have the functionality as part of the language.
It is because the rules in our world for dates and times are so complex that you want to offload as much as much as you can to the experts that have thought about this and embedded all that knowledge in the API.”