A new beta mobile SDK will allow Kotlin developers to deploy mobile apps to iOS and Android with a native user interface, from a single codebase. Beta means JetBrains has stabilized the features and it can be used in production, said https://github.com/KaterinaPetrova, product marketing manager.

“What our customers really like is having that common code business logic and then doing their user interfaces natively so that it has their beautiful iOS, Android, Android, native-looking user interfaces.”

https://thenewstack.io/this-week-in-programming-all-aboard-the-kotlin-train/ can be used for cross-platform and native apps, so developers don’t have to write in other languages for the mobile apps.

However, Kotlin Multiplatform may have an uphill battle convincing developers: Kotlin Multiplatform has 2% of the cross-platform mobile market as of 2021, compared to 42% for Flutter, according to https://www.statista.com/statistics/869224/worldwide-software-developer-working-hours/.

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