That’s why the latest episode of our Cloud & Culture podcast is a must-listen: It features VMware staff architect Josh Rosso discussing some major considerations for organizations to consider as they’re deciding whether to adopt Kubernetes, which distributions and tools to choose, and how to scale from pet project to production cluster (and beyond). Rosso is a particularly valuable source of insights on this topic, having worked at two pioneering Kubernetes startups prior to VMware, and having helped a good number of large banks, retailers, and other large organizations succeed with their enterprise-scale Kubernetes efforts.
are really thinking through, ‘How do I standardize on an application platform where we can have this consistent experience to onboard apps and get things deployed and scale them out and have really solid declarative APIs?'“And I think what a lot of these larger organizations are seeing is Kubernetes is kind of a natural evolution for them to get to that state. And, and to be clear, Kubernetes is part of the puzzle for these groups: Kubernetes is the container orchestrator layer.
you really have to figure out ‘Is this the right time for you?’.”An audio excerpt of Rosso discussing how Kubernetes now hosts many stateful workloads.“If you're building out an application platform on top of [Kubernetes] where you're going to be having monitoring, maybe a service mesh, maybe X, Y, and Z things to benefit the apps—make sure you're engaged with your development teams during that process.