According to a recent survey from Nginx, 36 percent of enterprises surveyed are currently using microservices, with another 26 percent currently in the research phase. Microservices are oft en encapsulated in docker containers which are independently maintained, deployed, and scaled.
With Kubernetes, containers are encased in pods; pods are the smallest unit in the Kubernetes cluster; applications share the same local network and resource, making internal communication easier; to communicate with the Kubernetes API and the rest of the cluster, pods make use of kubelet, which exists inside of each of the nodes in the cluster.
Now moving onto the metrics page and custom metrics page: This page shows some default useful PromQL query metrics for Kubernetes monitoring such as the number of pods in each namespace, pods that are in a not ready state, CPU and memory usage by container and pod in the form of a gauge, histogram, and line chart are displayed with live updates.
In addition, in order to allow reading resources of the API, you must configure a set of permissions.