Now the move towards multicore systems, cloud infrastructure, big data platforms and microservices is forcing developers into the distributed world whether they like it or not.” That means developers have to think about problems they never had to consider when writing monolithic applications that run on a single core on a single node; like what to do when network problems prevent components from talking with each other, or how to handle node failures.
A recent survey conducted by Lightbend of over 1,000 developers and IT decision-makers found that the majority of respondents believed that either utilizing Kubernetes and containers (34.5%) or moving to a cloud infrastructure provider (23.8%) were the most important aspects of going cloud native.
The idea is that cloud providers will manage the deep complexities and leave developers to focus on business logic.
Download your copy of Cloud Native Adoption Trends 2020-2021 to explore the ongoing tension between developers and IT leaders about what the highest priorities are for cloud native migrations.