While the open source has always been about sharing the code for one and all, this ideal has been increasingly at odds with a range of factors, including software fragmentation, politicization, weaponization, and techno-nationalism, which all can negatively impact open source’s vital collaborative framework. Addressing these issues is a new report from the https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/course-catalog/?utm_content=inline-mention, “https://www.linuxfoundation.org/research/open-source-fragmentation,” authored by https://twitter.com/adwill?lang=en founder and president of the research firm https://deepcentre.com/.

Fragmentation is happening in the open source community from a variety of reasons, the Linux Foundation contends.

“With China intent on boosting its software prowess, Chinese participation in open source will increase dramatically in the years ahead.

“Fragmentation challenges occur in developing open source solutions, but a decentralized ecosystem will always have some duplication and fragmentation,” Williams wrote.

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