Category: Business, Kubernetes, github

For Umasankar Mukkara, CEO of ChaosNative and co-creator and maintainer of LitmusChaos chaos engineering platform, the trend of chaos engineering is being able to willfully engineer faults and identify whether there was an issue in the first place. LitmusChaos, which was the first chaos engineering project to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s Sandbox program, applies a programmable, declarative approach to chaos testing, with steady-state hypothesizing, and Litmus probes at different stages of an experiment.

The company created an operator to support Kubernetes and the open chaos experiments in order to build a community. The purpose of Version 0 is to make chaos engineering more efficient for both individuals and teams, and specifically enabling scalability.

Version 2.0 supports the setup of dedicated control planes, chaos agents and execution of chaos experiments in both cluster-scoped and namespace-scoped modes to help operate in shared clusters with a self-service model.

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