On the 14th of January 2021, Elasticsearch B.V. announced that future releases of Elasticsearch and Kibana would be released under a dual license SSPL (Server Side Public License). As a result of this change it is evident that the components that make up Elasticsearch and Kibana in version 7.11 (and onwards) of the ELK Stack will no longer be considered as open source based upon the Open Source Initiative's requirements for licensing. The last release of Elasticsearch and Kibana classed as open source is the 7.10 release that is currently being used across newly created Stacks hosted by the Logit.io platform.
In the interests of our users we’ve been in the process of working with the fork of Elasticsearch OSS (OpenSearch) and Kibana OSS (OpenSearch Dashboards) and features provided by Open Distro for some time. OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards are Apache 2.0 licensed making this solution truly open source.