Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard: It's been said that to defeat cyber attackers, you must think like them. To this end, Metasploit and Nmap are two popular tools that enable firms to diagnose critical security gaps before they lead to data breaches. The goal of ethical hacking is to find system and infrastructure vulnerabilities before they are discovered and exploited by cyber attackers.
That said, Nmap is more of a network discovery/mapping and inventory tool, while Metasploit is useful for mounting nefarious payloads to launch attacks against hosts.
Nmap and its GUI application Zenmap are available for download off the nmap.org website, as well as other resources such as the install guide, reference manual, and half of the "Nmap Network Scanning - The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning" ebook.