While https://thenewstack.io/its-a-web3-world-now-how-the-hype-compares-to-web-2-0/ has been overtaken in the tech news flow by the rise of https://thenewstack.io/devs-are-excited-by-activitypub-open-protocol-for-mastodon/, the long-running effort to strengthen https://thenewstack.io/web3-stack-what-web-2-0-developers-need-to-know/ continues. By using Azure Pipelines for his DevOps pipeline and GitHub to store his source code, Brown has been conducting a series of Web3 experiments and documenting the results https://betterprogramming.pub/building-a-devops-pipeline-for-the-ethereum-blockchain-3d30cba87ffb.

So first off, why is Microsoft interested in blockchain applications — aka Web3 — given the https://thenewstack.io/web3-isnt-fully-decentralized-a-look-at-alchemy-bitclout/ that the crypto industry has received from many in the developer community?

According to Brown, using the above process gives Web3 developers the validation needed for a safe deployment to mainnet.

He said that Microsoft’s partner in Web3, ConsenSys, is “moving a lot of their Infura networks over to Azure.”

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