This post was written in collaboration with Kapil Thangavelu, CTO at Stacklet is a machine learning (ML) powered service that helps developers and operators automatically detect anomalies and improve application availability. DevOps Guru utilizes machine learning models, informed by years of and AWS operational excellence to identify anomalous application behavior (e.g., increased latency, error rates, resource constraints) and surface critical issues that could cause potential outages or service disruptions.
For users, developed an open-source tool called, which converts to an importable CloudFormation stack, which allows DevOps Guru to start monitoring the encapsulated AWS resources.
Instead, it creates the CloudFormation stack containing the imported resources that are specified in the Terraform module and enables DevOps Guru to monitor the resources in that CloudFormation stack.
Solution overview tfdevops performs the following steps to import resources into Amazon DevOps Guru: It translates terraform state into an AWS CloudFormation template with a It creates an AWS CloudFormation stack with imported resources It enrolls the stack into Amazon DevOps Guru