Category: Database, Data, Ubuntu, firewall

Networking is often overlooked topic by both developers and DevOps engineers. Sen ding a HTTP request is one of the things that everyone of us does every day.

If the dig command is not your cup of tea and you need to perform only simple queries or for example check DNS connectivity, you can also use previously mentioned host command: In previous section I mentioned that you should not use hostname to set hostname as it will not persist across reboot. There are options for changing hostname persistently - one is to use hostnamectl set-hostname or you can also directly modify /etc/hostname, which is what hostnamectl does anyway.

This gives us IPv4 routing table and can be useful for finding IP of your router, which is the default gateway (first line in output): In case you need to dig deeper into routing issues or maybe if you are looking for specific router that’s causing trouble, you can also use tracepath.

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