— Of the time it takes to set up a machine learning project, 60% is actually spent performing infrastructure engineering tasks. That compares to 20% doing data engineering, Civo Chief Innovation Officer https://www.linkedin.com/in/mesout/?originalSubdomain=uk, who has launched 300 https://thenewstack.io/ai-short-term-overhype-but-underhyped-for-the-long-haul/ (ML) models in the past two and a half years, said at the Civo Navigate conference here on Tuesday. Civo hopes to simplify machine learning infrastructure with a new managed service offering, https://www.kubeflow.org/ as a Service, which it says will improve the developer experience and reduce the time and resources required to gain insights from machine learning algorithms.

The Kubernetes cloud provider is betting that developers don’t want to deal with the infrastructure piece of the ML puzzle. So its new offering will run the infrastructure for ML as a managed service, while supporting open source tools and frameworks.

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