Today I would like to tell you about the next generation of Intel-powered general purpose, compute-optimized, and memory-optimized instances. New General Purpose (M6in/M6idn) Instances The original general purpose EC2 instance (m1.small) was and was the one and only instance type for a little over a year, until we launched the m1.large and m1.xlarge in late

Choosing the Right Instance Prior to today’s launch, you could choose a c5n, m5n, or r5n instance to get the highest network bandwidth on an EC2 instance, or an r5b instance to have access to the highest EBS IOPS performance and high EBS bandwidth. Now, customers who need high networking or EBS performance can choose from a full portfolio of instances with different memory to vCPU ratio and instance storage options available, by selecting one of c6in, m6in, m6idn, r6in, or r6idn instances.

Similarly, the higher network and EBS performance of the r6in instances will allow you to scale your network-intensive SQL, NoSQL, and in-memory database workloads, with the option to use the r6idn when you need low-latency local storage.

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