“The iPhone moment of AI has started,” said Nvidia CEO https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/about-nvidia/board-of-directors/jensen-huang/ during a keynote at the company’s https://www.nvidia.com/gtc/?ncid=pa-srch-goog-729287-prsp this week. Just like Apple, which owns its hardware and software stack, Nvidia is using its proprietary hardware and software tools to lock up developers into its ecosystem.

The first dibs on AI hardware goes to cloud native companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, which are designing data centers to handle AI applications.

Application development is transitioning to creating AI models, said Manuvir Das, vice president of enterprise computing, during a press conference. Nvidia announced pre-packaged AI models called Foundations so coders and data scientists can develop their own chatbots and image and video generators.

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