When you think about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the https://www.openstack.org/ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud, and its object storage component, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift is not the first technology to come to mind. https://www.linkedin.com/in/notmyname/, Nvidia’s Principal Systems Software Engineer, explained at the recent https://openinfra.dev/summit/vancouver-2023/ that ML requires speedy, robust storage solutions. “With the rise of AI and ML technologies, our primary role as storage providers is to fuel the engine with as much data as possible, as quickly as possible,” said Dickinson.

Open source Swift, a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers, is optimized for https://thenewstack.io/red-hat-openshift-online-now-offers-multi-tenancy/ and high concurrency.

For the outer ring, Nvidia uses Swift, thanks to its suitability for large capacity and high throughput storage.

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