Object Store Connector is a Mule component that allows the storage of key-value.
On entering the values for the keys and value that we want to store, our store operation will look like below: Let's try to send some values to the object store: Our given value is stored in the object store, we can check same in Mule logs: In this way, we can store the value in the object store.
The below DataWeave code is written inside the Transform component: We will trigger the below request from Postman and we will get all the key and values from the object store in response: We can see the same details in our Mule logs: In this way, we can use the object store Retrieve all operation.
Lets try to make a call from Postman as shown in below image: From Mule logs we can see that there were 3 key-value pairs were present in the object store and after performing the Clear operation there is nothing in the object store.