When Adobe announced that it would https://thenewstack.io/adobe-buys-figma-what-does-this-mean-for-web-standards/ for $20 billion last September, an open source equivalent called https://penpot.app/ immediately began seeing a spike in signups. I spoke with Penpot’s creator and the CEO of Kaleidos, https://www.linkedin.com/in/pruizmuzquiz/, ahead of the company’s first developer event, Penpot Fest.

It was when the company started hiring in-house designers that Ruiz-Múzquiz realized he needed some tools to collaborate with them.

The objective was to bring the new designer employees into the agile (specifically, lean) devops process that the Kaleidos developers adhered to. Then they turned to creating an open source design and prototyping tool, Penpot, which would enable the designers to also collaborate with the company’s developers.

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