If I had to name the single biggest misconception some people have about https://platformengineering.org/blog/what-is-platform-engineering, it would be that the result of a successful platform engineering endeavor is a shiny user interface with lots of buttons to click and dashboards to look at. At best, that shiny UI allows organizations to gain only a small part of the return on investment (ROI) they can get from platform engineering.

Developer Portals vs. Service Catalogs vs. Internal Developer Platforms In 2022, Gartner https://internaldeveloperplatform.org/developer-portals/ the relationship between developer portals and internal developer platforms: “Internal developer portals serve as the interface through which developers can discover and access internal developer platform capabilities.”

An internal developer platform is the sum of all tech, tools and processes that a platform engineering team binds into a golden path for developers.

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