Category: Business, Data, Kubernetes, github

We want a constant stream of new features and bug fixes, and yet, we don’t want these updates to affect our user experience adversely.

This is where Iter8 comes in; it helps developers progressively roll out new versions of their app, gated by a combination of performance, functionality and even custom business metrics.

In this article, we will describe how Iter8 can be integrated into an existing DevOps pipeline running on OpenShift.

Run the following commands to install Iter8: Everything is now in place for us to upgrade the demo app and see how Iter8 can help developers test a new version before promoting it to production.

As Iter8 by default will use a synthetic workload to exercise new versions, it will take a bit of additional time for it to collect enough data to make a decision about whether the new version is good, and you can run the following command to monitor Iter8 experiment’s progress: Once the experiment is declared successful, you can go to, and there should be a new PR created automatically by Iter8 to promote the new version, i.e.: Click on “Merge pull request” and wait a bit for ArgoCD to pick up this change, and now you can use a web browser to access the app again.

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