By Marc Hornbeek on January 4, 2021Leave a CommentA Strategic SRE Assessment is critical in helping organizations successfully transform traditional IT operations to SRESite reliability engineering (SRE) is rapidly becoming more important to organizations that need to scale IT operations while maintaining or improving reliability and security, and to modernize operations to match the growth of DevOps in the organization.
Despite challenges, the transformation to SRE is compelling because it provides an opportunity to reduce total operations costs and improve security and reliability while scaling services.
The heart of the Strategic SRE Assessment approach is a survey of SRE best practices categorized under nine pillars: Culture, Work Sharing, Toil Reduction, SLAs/SLOs/SLIs, Measurements, Anti-Fragility, Deployments, Performance Management and Incidents Management.
Another advantage of the Rapid Strategic SRE Assessment is that it is a quick and affordable approach to check-point progress as SRE is implemented progressively across applications and deployment domains.
The Rapid Strategic SRE assessment approach, based on nine pillars of SRE best practices, is quick, effective and affordable.