Welcome to The New Stack Makers: Scaling New Heights, a series of interviews with engineering managers who talk about the problems they have faced and the resolutions they sought, conducted by guest host Scalyr CEO Christine Heckart. Heckart’s first interview is with Adam Wolff, Robinhood’s former vice president of engineering who recalls two years ago when Kubernetes looked so right — and then the difficulties that followed when Wolff mandated the platform’s adoption.
For a company like Robinhood to deploy technology like Kubernetes, it’s not just one team, you have an infrastructure platform team that’s looking to deploy this, you have a security team that needs to sort of agree on how we’re going to do this and what the potential gotchas are,” Wolff said.
The problem, they say, is that customers’ personal emails used for Robinhood accounts were accessed outside of the Robinhood platform.