Not so long ago, GitOps took DevOps by storm, offering a smoother and faster software delivery experience. However, it isn’t all smooth sailing, since GitOps requires that developers be familiar with a lot of DevOps practices and know-how.

This is the form filled by the developer-user: Since the IaC action may take time, it is best to show the developer how the action is progressing, as in this example: Once the operation is complete, the developer will see the result of the IaC action in the software catalog that exists in the internal developer portal: IaC Self-Service from the Platform Point of View

To avoid issues with cognitive load and onboarding developers to work with GitOps, internal developer portals offer a broad self-service capability for developers, who can then easily perform IaC actions and have the software catalog update accordingly.

It’s also important to have the self-service pillar of the developer portal “speak” natively with the software catalog and not manage the self-service actions and the software catalog as two separate elements.

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