Home » Blogs » ShiftLeft Announces New Developer-Focused Next Generation Static Analysis Solution that Increases Application Security Productivity by 5X By Deborah Schalm on June 30, 2020Leave a CommentShiftLeft’s customer data demonstrates the new release of its SAST solution allows organizations to fix 70% of new vulnerabilities in less than three weeks, proving the power of inserting security into the modern SDLCSanta Clara, Calif.
In a new survey of over 165 developers, AppSec and DevOps professionals, ShiftLeft found that 96% of developers believe the disconnect between developer and security workflows inhibits developer productivity.
The survey revealed that performing security scans too late in the SDLC (89.7%) and lack of remediation guidance (87.7%) are also significant inhibitors to developer productivity.
To scale security and address developer productivity challenges, ShiftLeft’s new version of NG SAST delivers holistic workflows with developer engagement and productivity as a first principle.