Just a few days before he died at the beginning of the 1990s, a wise man taught us that “the show must go on.” It took the company only a few years to realize that while R&D focused on creating new features and pushing them to production, the Operations group was trying to keep production as stable as possible — the two teams were pulling in opposite directions.
Not unlike the DevOps team, SREs also thrive on a stable production environment, but one of the SRE team’s goals is to improve performance and operational efficiency.
In her blog, Charity Majors talks about SRE and DevOps being two different operational approaches that any organization can choose to work by, but insists on emphasizing that there is no “correct” approach.
Though in contradiction to her blog, Charity lent weight to this opinion during an AskMeAnything event that revolved around DevOps and SRE.