While having a mature digital enterprise helped organizations to better survive – and even thrive, in some cases – the pandemic, that’s not the primary reason why organizations will continue to invest in their digital transformation efforts. According to new research from consultancy Deloitte, businesses will continue to invest in their digital transformation capabilities to innovate rapidly and to survive competitive battles in the marketplace. Deloitte’s survey found that enterprises believe such ongoing investments in digital transformation will continue to deliver benefits, such as enabling them to innovate more quickly, modernize their business-technology systems and become more resilient.
These findings mirror those of another survey released this week from software provider Rimini Street, which found digital transformation is one of the top five priorities among CFOs, and that 71% of CFOs believe that such investments are essential to the success of their businesses.
And those enterprises that succeed in the next few years will be those that not only make the right investments in digital transformation, but those that figure out the best ways to innovate and connect with customers by leveraging those investments.