A number of data and analytics vendors are having their annual conferences this week. https://www.salesforce.com/tableau-conference/ is serving as the launch vehicle for Tableau GPT, Tableau Pulse and Tableau’s https://www.tableau.com/drive/what-is-vizql Service.

For Informatica, it includes generated data classifications; inferred data lineage; multicolumn completeness analysis; as well as data pipeline generation, automated data masking, data cleansing and standardization rules for what the company calls “self-integrating systems.”

Salesforce says its Data Cloud will support “zero-ETL” integration with https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/ and, through Tableau, will support “hyper-accelerated queries” and “instant analytics.”

The integrations are made possible, respectively, by the Spot Slack AI assistant, ThoughtSpot Analytics for Excel, ThoughtSpot Analytics Sheets/ThoughtSpot Connected Sheets and integrations with Google Connected Slides.

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