I wanted to write a post about Continues Delivery pipelines but you will end up with a Kubernetes Stack anyway so I will write this post oriented around Kubernetes and friends. Before starting this post make sure that your Continues Integration Pipeline is in place and your images are pushed to a docker repository and they are semantically versioned.
There may be variations based on your cloud provider but the main points of our stack will be like this: Docker Hub + Kubernetes + Weave Net+ Nginx + Prometheus+Grafana + Fluentd+ ElasticSearch +Kibana+ ArgoCD + Helm 3 + Github + CircleCIDocker Hub is our docker image registry.
I urge you to share your public images in Docker Hub which is default and easy to reach by developers.
Also, to keep costs low, you can use spot instances in AWS and reserved instances in GCP so your costs will be lower compared to a similar solution with EC2.