This post appeared first on FAUN: The 1st Crisis in Software Engineering, the Roots of Agile and the Short Story of DevOps For some of us, the interest we have in software engineering started when we played our first video game when we were young, for others it started with coding bootcamps and others started having an interest in software engineering in college.
I’m your host Kassandra Russel and today, we’re going to talk about the short story of DevOps, but before that we’re going to travel back in time to the first crisis in software engineering, passing through agile methodologies, and arriving to DevOps.
The software crisis was linked to the growing complexity of software and hardware and negatively struck the industry.
In 2001, when seventeen software developers met and discussed the similarities of these approaches they ended up by publishing and signing the Manifesto for Agile Software Development agreeing on 12 similarities and proclaiming that they value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to Change over following a plan.