For this latest episode of The New Stack Makers podcast, Alex Williams, founder and publisher of The New Stack talks with guest speakers Dina Graves Portman, developer relations engineer for Google; Emilie Schario, internal strategy consultant, data, for GitLab; and Nicole Schultz, assistant director of engineering for Northwestern Mutual. They discussed how DataOps is defined and why its application is particularly relevant in today’s highly complex and increasingly distributed environments.
I think of DataOps as creating a workflow or a way of working as a data team that creates efficiencies and allows you to get more done with the resources you have in a better, more stable way,” said Schario.
DataOps is taking ‘hope is not a strategy’ and applying that to data and using all of the different tools that software engineers have been using for years.”
DataOps should also help usher in a new era in data and database management, such as supporting the application of new technologies applied across cloud native environments.