While computer science certificates take time and sometimes money to complete, they still accomplish the same aim as degrees and bootcamps: to show future employers that you have the skills and understanding required to get the programming job of your dreams, and you can get one in a heck of a lot less time and money than a degree.
This article will guide you through the six steps you’ll need to find the right certificate in computer science for you, complete it, and leverage it to get your dream job in computer science.
At this stage, you should totally understand your own motivations for wanting to get certified, and you should have an idea of the potential options that could give you a certificate in computer science.
If you can plan ahead and both pick out a course that aligns to your learning and working style and identify a couple of motivational tricks you can use, the easier it’ll be to actually complete the certificate in computer science that’s going to land you your dream programming job.
This guide will help you find, complete, and leverage that certificate in computer science to your best advantage.