by For some, this means solving some esoteric problem with a skill set that you'll use twice in the actual job.
Algorithm and Data Structure Interview Questions for Java and Python by Javin Paul: A software developer goes over a list of 50 interview questions related to data structures and coding that will serve any coder or data scientist well. 20+ Linked List Interview Questions for Java Programmers by Javin Paul: This article is for any young or new developer seeking out interview prep on topics related to linked lists in Java and potential solutions.
We focus on the top 20 system design interview questions for Java programmers.Top Microservices Interview Questions for 2019, Part 1 by Arnab Roy: A discussion of some of the most common interview questions developers and architects can expect to encounter when interviewing for a microservices role.21 System Design and Object-Oriented Problems for Interviews by Javin Paul: Practice these frequently asked system design and object-oriented design problems and interview questions.