The problem with analyzing the place of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) right now is that it isn’t purely an academic pursuit — it clearly has a strong financial factor. There are three separate areas that I want to look at: what can LLMs do for professional software development now, will professional software development be negatively impacted (i.e. will we lose our jobs) and will software development be opened up to many more people now because of more democratic access?

When I first studied a few AI courses back in the day, the subject was receding due to lack of progress.

If I define the enumerable and a variable for it: [Flags] public enum OccurrenceType { None = 0, OccurrenceA = 1, OccurrenceB = 2, OccurrenceC = 4}

Occurrence |= occurrence; } public bool IsOccurrence(OccurrenceType occurrence) return (Occurrence & occurrence) == occurrence; }

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