“There is a problem with the cybersecurity industry,” said https://www.linkedin.com/in/orysegal/?originalSubdomain=il, Chief Technology Officer of https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/cloud, https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cloud-security?utm_content=inline-mention, at the company’s Ignite conference in Las Vegas late last year. New technologies sway us from our main goal.
“Prisma cloud is the platform that helps to secure cloud native applications,” Segal said.
Segal said the tools teams use often vary for application security, depending on the layer in the application stack.
The platform approach to application security is gaining moment, said https://omdia.tech.informa.com/authors/fernando-montenegro, a senior principal analyst with https://omdia.tech.informa.com/ out of the Toronto area.