Effective management of the hybrid multicloud environments requires unique capabilities and strategies that offer enhanced visibility and governance over the cloud resources. According to research, 98% of the companies are planning to increase or maintain their cloud providers by 2022 yet only 20% of the IT leaders believe that they are confident enough about their ability to seamlessly and effectively manage their cloud usage. Organizations need to understand the purpose of multicloud governance and security platforms or the significance of effective multicloud governance as improper visibility and governance over the cloud resources can lead to inefficient cloud usage and higher costing. The terms Cloud Management and Cloud Governance are often treated as identical but there differences when we talk about optimization, control, the security of the cloud infrastructures, and the applications that run in them.
The multi-cloud governance and security platform offers an enhanced level of clarity, economical capabilities, and effective automated governance over the cloud environments (single-cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid-cloud).