Category: Microsoft, Kubernetes, Ubuntu, Docker, apple
As the world passes through trying times in 2020 withstanding and navigating through challenges posted by COVID, some things which are seeing a significant boost include ways in how corporations perceive digital transformation. It's no longer an optional initiative to embark on this journey but an imperative keeping in mind the significant ways in which digitizing development and operations enable effort savings and in turn reduction in cost to maintain and scale their technical landscape.
Well, it is indeed a significant journey for Linux as an operating system of choice forming a base for the cloud-native platforms as also to be wholeheartedly embraced by the major corporations for example those in the product field to those in the field of data and analytics. If we look back at the history of Linux since the time Linus Torvalds started it as a hobby at the University of Helsinki in 1991 being a poster boy for all that is free and open-source, standing steadfast against the onslaught of the proprietary systems to the times we currently live in where we have events like Microsoft Open Source Virtual Conferences in 2020.
And that is not all, let’s look at some of the significant corporate and cloud adoptions of Linux in 2020.ds