let’s discuss that in detail with this Top 10 reasons, Now, we know that a group of people develops software and that’s often going through different phases, the planning phase, the coding phase, implementation phase, the testing phase, the deployment phase, the monitoring phase and so many different phases.
We want to release a product that is the best that the customers like a lot, etc.
So we know that DevOps is a culture, is a philosophy, is a mindset that imbues values into the developers, into the testers, into the operations members and the administrators, that they all have one goal in mind, that is to produce the best software and to improve the experience of the end-users as much as possible, and this is where the DevOps engineers come in, they’re basically helps to communicate ideas from one person to another.
But if you’re a person who is shifting from your operations or testing or development into the DevOps, you will be definitely paid a lot of money because this job requires you to handle a lot of responsibilities and companies will pay you a lot of money to handle all of these responsibilities.
So I know a lot of you know about DevOps and maybe a little bit confused because you do not know exactly what DevOps is.